An auction
Jessy was delighted with the auction. In the middle of the countryside, there were countless animals being sold. All of these animals were in desperate need of a home. They had been rescued or found by abusive owners. This is unfortunately a daily reality for many animals. The auction was a great opportunity for them to find a family that would love and care for them. Many people came from around the world to give these animals a home. People who were looking for pets had been searching for them for years and were thrilled to be able finally to adopt one. Some were adopted by people looking to save them from a past life. This auction provided the perfect chance for these animals find homes. Everyone involved had a wonderful experience. The animals could start anew, and people were able provide the love and care they deserved. It was an amazing sight.

There it was, a horse that looked eerily beautiful. She knew this was her horse. She knew it. She was sure this was for her and was determined to have it. She was willing to do anything to get it. She had a strong connection with the horse, and felt as if she were looking in a mirror. She was sure that the horse would be perfect for her. She was so happy to have found this horse and eager to begin a new life with him. She couldn’t explain it, but this horse felt right for her. Jessy did not need to second-guess herself. She should have.