Jessy only wanted a pony, nothing else. Unfortunately, it was a lot to ask. Horses can be loyal and majestic creatures that make great companions. Horses can provide hours of fun, whether you are riding or taking horsemanship classes. They can also be taught to perform tricks. The cost of caring for a pony can be high. Owning a pony comes with a lot of costs. Feeding, bedding, vaccinations and hoof care are some. Due to their size, horses require adequate fencing and shelters. They also need turnout areas. Horse ownership is a commitment that takes time and money.

The animal Jessy brought to the vet shocked the vet. As he examined the animal, his eyes widened. He asked Jessy if she was familiar with its species. He could not believe it lived in her home. As he surveyed its peculiar features and behavior, his jaw dropped. The creature’s exotic appearance amazed him. He’d never seen anything before. The animal intrigued him and he wanted to know more about it. He was intrigued by the story and asked many questions.
The vet didn’t have to wait long before he realized that Jessy bought a strange horse.