Schizophrenia Variants

However, the system was not fully functional. Now, specialists refer to schizophrenia as a comprehensive disorder that includes all of its subtypes. It is a collection of mental disorders that share few symptoms and are closely related. They resemble variations on a musical theme. They may influence your perception of what is genuine. They alter your feelings, thoughts, and actions. Psychosis in which what appears real to you is not real. You could have:
Delusions are mistaken but firmly held beliefs that are easy to disprove, such as believing you are famous, have superpowers, or that people are out to get you.
Hearing or seeing things that are not real constitutes hallucinations.
Acting in a repetitive or odd manner, such as writing constantly, wandering in circles, or sitting perfectly still and silent for hours on end.
The use of sentences or phrases that are incomprehensible to others.
Lifeless and reclusive: displaying no motivation or emotions and a lack of interest in daily normal activities.
Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit nearly two of these symptoms for nearly six months. One of delusions, hallucinations, or disorganised discourse must be present. A single voice that continuously remarks on your actions and thoughts, or voices that converse with one another, is sufficient. There are numerous varieties of schizophrenia, including:
Schizophrenia delusional
This is the predominant form of schizophrenia. It may manifest later in life than other types. Delusions and hallucinations are symptoms, but your emotions and speech may not be affected.
Catatonic mental illness
This is a rare form of schizophrenia characterised by restricted, abrupt, and unusual movements. You may occasionally alternate between being extremely sedentary and extremely active. You may not speak frequently and imitate others’ movements and speech.
Schizophrenia hebephrenic
This type of schizophrenia is also referred to as “disorganised schizophrenia” and typically develops between the ages of 15 and 25. In addition to disorganised thoughts and behaviours, symptoms include brief hallucinations and delusions. You may have disorganised speech patterns, making it difficult for others to comprehend you. Individuals with disorganised schizophrenia may demonstrate little or no emotion in their voice tone, facial expressions, or behaviour.
Chronic schizophrenia
If you have a history of psychosis but only exhibit negative symptoms (such as poor memory, sluggish movement, poor hygiene, and lack of concentration), you may be diagnosed with residual schizophrenia.
Unclassified schizophrenia
Your diagnosis may contain a few symptoms of hebephrenic, paranoid, or catatonic schizophrenia, but it does not fit into each of these types individually.
Schizotypal schizophrenia
People with cenesthopathic schizophrenia experience peculiar bodily sensations.
- Schizophrenia simple
Rarely is simple schizophrenia diagnosed in the United Kingdom. Negative symptoms (such as poor memory, sluggish movement, poor hygiene, and lack of concentration) worsen the most, while early symptoms (such as delusions, hallucinations, and disorganised thought) are rarely experienced.