What is the treatment for Sacroiliitis?

Sacroiliitis can be treated with a variety of medications. NSAIDs are the most commonly prescribed medication for this condition. These medications reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Corticosteroids (also known as DMARDs) and biologic response modulators are other medications that can be prescribed. In some cases, surgery may be recommended.
Pain killers
Painkillers are usually the first treatment of choice for this condition. NSAIDs can be used to relieve pain in sacroiliitis. NSAIDs reduce inflammation and pain. There are different types of NSAIDs and everyone may react differently to them. Acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen are all effective in reducing inflammation and pain.
NSAIDs could be a great option for those who are suffering from sacroiliitis. Ask your doctor if NSAIDs can help manage your symptoms.
Muscle Relaxants
Muscle relaxants can relieve pain and stiffness in the muscles. They are often prescribed for sacroiliitis. Muscle relaxants come in a wide range of forms, including diazepam and tizanidine. Each has its own side effects. You will probably be prescribed a small dose of muscle relaxant, and your doctor may increase it if necessary. Take the prescribed medication and do not stop without consulting your doctor.
DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic medications) are a group of drugs used to treat sacroiliitis. DMARDs can reduce pain and inflammation in the joints and improve the quality of life and function for people with this condition. There are many DMARDs, such as corticosteroids (which can be used to reduce inflammation), tumor necrosis factors inhibitors (TNF-inhibitors) and methotrexate. Your doctor will help you find the right medication or combination to treat your sacroiliitis.
MethotrexateMethotrexate can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions. Sacroiliitis is an inflammation of the sacroiliac joints. Methotrexate is a drug that can reduce joint inflammation and pain. Typically prescribed as a pill, it can also be administered as an injection.
TNF Inhibitors –One type of medication that is commonly used to treat sacroiliitis, TNF inhibitors. These drugs are effective at treating sacroiliitis. TNF inhibitors, a class of biologic drugs that suppresses inflammation, are TNF-inhibitors. These drugs are used to treat conditions like rheumatoid, Crohn’s, and psoriatic.
Sacroiliitis can be treated with a variety of TNF inhibitors. Etanercept is the most commonly prescribed drug, followed by adalimumab and infliximab. Working with your doctor is essential to finding the right medication for you. Some people are more responsive to certain drugs than others.