Dark Color Urine
The dark urine can be caused by a variety of problems, including those with the stomach, intestines, pancreas and gallbladder. This may be a sign of obstruction in the bile ducts. Active jaundice can also be detected by darker urine and lighter than normal stool.
Dark colored urine is a sign of too much bilirubin, either because there are too many red blood cells that have been broken down in the liver. Or it could be due to kidney pathology. The abnormal color of your urine can indicate that you have liver disease. Your liver may not be able to properly break down bilirubin. These include:
- Any disease that causes liver cell destruction
- The liver causes excessive red blood cell breakdown
- The obstruction of normal bilirubin to the digestive system to be eliminated in the stool
- It is possible that there is too much bilirubin present in the blood.
The liver disease should be the first thing to rule out. Dark urine can be caused by liver cirrhosis or hepatitis. It could also be due to bile-duct cancer, bile-duct blockage, or liver cirrhosis. Consult your doctor as soon as you notice a dark urine or pee that looks like cola. The best way to eliminate any underlying causes is through a urine analysis test.