The disease known as trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is a STI or (sexually transmitted infection) caused by the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite; some also refer to it as sexually transmitted disease. This parasite resides in men’s urethra, bladder, and prostate, and in women’s vagina, cervix, and uterus. (1)
It is estimated that 3,7 million individuals in the United States are infected with trichomoniasis, but many are unaware of their infection due to the lack of symptoms. This non-viral STI is prevalent and widespread in the United States. It is most prevalent among young women, but men and women of any age can be affected.

The infection can cause severe health complications. Trichomoniasis is typically not fatal, but it can cause extensive harm to the reproductive system and other health complications. This disease causes preterm labour, low birth weight, and even mortality in pregnant women. Trichomoniasis is a critical disease that must be treated immediately upon diagnosis. Trichomoniasis can manifest as vaginal discharge, genital itching, burning during excretion, and sexual discomfort. Trichomoniasis is treatable with antibiotics, but it is crucial to get tested and treated because it can increase the risk of other sexually transmitted infections.