HUS in Grownups

An E. coli infection can also induce HUS in adults. HUS may also be caused by uncommon non-bacterial factors, such as:
During pregnancy
The United States sees between 700 and 1000 cases of HUS each year, with the majority of cases affecting minors and young adults. It is every expecting mother’s worst nightmare to contract a severe illness during her pregnancy. And although hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) affects infants most frequently, it can and will affect some pregnant women.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) is an uncommon pregnancy complication. It occurs in one of every 80,000 birthing women. It primarily affects young women (under the age of 25) and its symptoms can be life-threatening. There are a number of medications that can be used to lessen the severity of hemolytic uremic syndrome or to reduce the risk for expectant women.