Uterine Fibroids Types
Fibroids can be classified into four types:
- Intramural fibroids
- Subserosal Fibroids
- Fibroids pedunculated
- Submucosal Fibroids
It is vital to make an appointment with your doctor if you have any symptoms that could be a sign of uterine fibroid. This will allow for an accurate diagnosis. Doctors can usually diagnose fibroids by performing a pelvic examination and ultrasound. In a normal pelvic exam, doctors can feel and see the size and shape of the uterus. The doctor will determine the location of fibroids after identifying any irregularities or enlargements in the shape and size of the uterus. Fibroids are classified into four different types based on their location in relation to the uterine walls and uterus, as well as through detailed scanning. The following is a description of the four types of fibroids : [ ]
Intramural fibroids
Intramural fibroids grow within the uterine walls and remain there throughout their entire growth cycle. Intramural fibroids occur most frequently in women. Intramural fibroids can also press on organs around the uterus. They develop in the muscle wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids are able to grow in size very quickly and can increase the size of the Uterus.
Subserosal Fibroids
Subserosal fibroid growth is specific and occurs on the outside surface of the uterine walls. Serous membrane, or serosa, is the outer lining that lines the uterus and organs. Subserosal Fibroids can grow large enough to make the lower abdomen appear larger from the outside.
Pedunculated fibroids
The fibroids of the uterus that are pedunculated grow on stalks or stems. These stalks and stems can grow in numbers either on the surface of the uterus or within the cavity. The formation of pedunculated fibroid begins after a subserol fibroids turns into a stem. The pedunculated fibroid then becomes a base that can support tumor growth in future. The growth of pedunculated fiberoids can be further accelerated by converting stem cells into a base of pedunculated fibres.
Submucosal Fibroids
Submucosal uterine fibroids are found in the region just beneath the thin tissue layer in the uterus. Submucosal fibroids are able to expand and protrude into the cavity of uterus. Doctors define submucosal uterine fibroids as being the most chronic, and fastest growing type of fibroids. Submucosal uterine fibroids can be dangerous, but they are rare. Submucosal uterine fibroids are also known to develop in the endometrium, which is the middle layer in the muscle.