Types of Toenail Funguses
There are four primary varieties of nail fungus infections. (3) Each seems somewhat unique:
Lateral or distal onychomycosis of the subungual fungus
This is the most common form. It is caused by a fungus called a dermatophyte. It may infect your cuticles or toenails. It originates in the nail bed beneath the nail. You will observe a yellowish-colored portion that extends from the nail’s corners to the nail’s centre and beyond the nail bed. The most common type of fungal nail infection is distal subungual infections, which can affect both toenails and fingernails. Infected nails have an angular appearance with yellow or white streaks across the nail’s surface.
This infection resides beneath the nail and in the nail bed. As your condition worsens, the nail may split and crumble, as well as detach from the epidermis. A thickened nail and a large quantity of debris under the nail may cause discomfort when wearing footwear. DSO may prolong the infection and is difficult to treat. In rare instances, shoes that do not fit properly may cause or exacerbate the development of this infection.
Onychomycosis affecting the proximal subungual area
This manifests initially in the centre of the nail bed as white patches at the cuticle. As the fingernail or toenail develops, the outer edge is shifted. It primarily affects individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV. Consequently, proximal subungual infections are uncommon, but they can impair your fingernails and toenails. As the infection progresses upward, yellow spots appear at the nail’s base. This infection occurs most frequently in individuals with compromised immune systems. It may also result from a minor nail injury.
White subcutaneous onychomycosis
This condition is uncommon and primarily affects the surface of your toenails. It begins with white patches that turn powdery and cause the nails to crumble. However, white superficial infections affect your toenails most frequently. A certain type of fungus battles for control of the nail’s outermost layer and produces distinct white patches. Eventually, these white spots cover the entire nail, which becomes brittle, rough, and susceptible to disintegrating. It is possible for spots on your nail to become brittle and pitted.
Candidate onychomycosis of the toenails
Yeast causes an infection that typically affects the cuticles. Sometimes the area encircling the nail becomes inflamed and swollen, and the nail may fall off entirely. It typically affects nails compromised by another infection or an injury. Candida yeast could result in fungal infection. It may involve nails that were previously harmed by an injury or infection. Candida has a significant impact on your cuticles. It sometimes occurs in individuals who frequently soak their palms in water. Typically, these infections begin with the cuticle encircling the nail becoming red, swollen, and tender to the touch. The nail may separate from the nail bed partially or wholly on its own.