A stick
Ian asked his father for help, and they came up with a plan to remove the log from the water. When they realized the real reason behind the mysterious movement of the log, they all let out gasps in horror. Unbelievably, they discovered a crocodile lurking in the depths of the river!
He leaned forward as far as his posture allowed and used the stick to try to poke the log. His efforts were mostly in vain. The stick was too thin and fragile for the job.
A crocodile was in the water.
Ian asked his father for help, and they came up with a plan to remove the log from the water. When they realized the real reason behind the mysterious movement of the log, they all let out gasps in horror. Unbelievably, they discovered a crocodile lurking in the depths of the river!
The boat trip was abandoned immediately. One thing was for sure: This adrenaline-charged adventure would leave a lasting impression on all four of them and make their vacation a memorable experience.