Extra Precautions
Billie’s nationality didn’t really matter to the residents of Les Ventes. What did matter was that Billie had saved their village, making him a hero. Billie showed what it meant to be a brave warrior when he made the ultimate sacrifice in order to save many lives. Billie was completely selfless. Billie always put others’ needs ahead of his own and was willing to give his time. Billie sacrificed his entire life to save others on that terrible day.
Returning to Base
Peggy found the grave site and immediately set out to bring him back to her house. Billie was very important to Peggy, so she devised a plan in order to accomplish this. Billie was buried in the Normandy American Cemetery. Billie spoke with great awe, and a motivating tone up until this point. Many people loved him and many more owed their gratitude to his example. CBS reports that his tombstone has the most decorations in the cemetery and the greatest outpourings of love.