You’re not really my father?
It’s a mystery how this keeps happening but cheaters seem to have the strange ability of always thinking that they are texting their parent. We’ve also seen parents mistakenly believe that their children are texting them when in fact they were texting the cheater.

It’s a terrible and awkward one, but she did ask permission. We guess that it is still cheating to ask only your DAD’s permission …. Imagine that you care about his opinion, but not the one of your partner!
Stay cool
When your partner admits to being unfaithful, it’s easy to lose control. Jeffrey didn’t know he had done that. Evidently, he thought he was messaging another person. This angered his partner.

It was good that they didn’t lose their cool with him immediately. The smart thing to do was to ask him to confirm that he had been cheating, before asking who he spoke to. We can only hope the night he spent at his home was worth his relationship.