It is not a good thing to cheat. Honesty is the best policy, whether it’s with a partner or a test. While cheating in the first case can be a serious mistake, the second can cause people to lose their minds. It’s heartbreaking to learn that someone you care about has been having an affair behind your back. This can lead people into doing some stupid things.
The divorce is still pending
The majority of people do not want to be in the relationship with someone else. They may love their partner, but they don’t want to be the one who breaks his or her heart. The would rather wait for the relationship to end before they swoop in.

This guy, of course, doesn’t get it. This guy wants both. He’s trying to get his cake AND eat it, but that hurts the two women in his relationship. His potential girlfriend is fortunately moral and will not give in until he obtains a divorce.
You have the wrong ex
You can only redeem yourself by showing your partner that you regret what you did. This won’t repair your relationship but it may stop the other person from being angry with you. If you want to apologize to an ex, you should make sure that you are speaking with the correct person.

If they had sent the text to their ex, it could have been very touching. Their words suddenly don’t sound as genuine.