Sinusitis or Sinus Infection Risk factors

If you have:
- Asthma
- Tumors
- A dental infection
- Nasal polyps
- Aspirin sensitivity
- A deviated nasal septum
- Hay Fever
- A fungal infection
- Smoke and other pollutants are regularly exposed to.
- Another allergy condition
- A disease of the immune system such as HIV/AIDS or cystic fibrosis
You may be more susceptible to chronic sinusitis or acute sinusitis if you have a weak immune system. For example, those with multiple myeloma or HIV/AIDS or chronic diseases, blood cancers or who are undergoing chemotherapy or corticosteroids treatment. You may have trouble fighting off sinusitis-causing infections, such as the common flu. But you will also struggle to recover from sinusitis if it takes root. A weakened immune system is more likely to be affected by fungus allergies, which can lead to sinus infections. Other conditions that are associated with chronic sinusitis include asthma, cystic fibrosis and Kartagener’s Syndrome, as well as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and other autoimmune disorders.