Sinusitis (Sinus Infection) Treatment – Home Remedies

Home Remedies
Sinus infections caused by viruses might use home (over-the-counter, OTC) treatments such as fever and pain medications (decongestants, acetaminophen [Tylenol], and mucolytics). Additionally, few health care professionals recommend sinus rinse solution or nasal irrigation to aid in relieving symptoms of sinus infections even the chronic symptoms of sinus infections. Such irrigation is maintained with a Neti-Pot or a sinus rinse kit (sometimes known as nasal bidet). Fungal and bacterial sinus infections normally need antifungal or antibiotic therapy so home treatments without them are not sometimes successful. Therefore, some researchers recommend home remedies that might lower the symptoms after medical therapy has started. Some healthcare providers suggest nasal irrigation post sinus surgery.
A sinus infection consists of symptoms similar to the common cold. The major difference between the two is how long these symptoms last. Sinusitis symptoms normally last not more than 10 days. Chronic sinusitis might last for 12 weeks or above that. A sinus infection always gets better on its own. Antibiotics do not help sinusitis caused by an airborne irritation such as secondhand smoke or a virus. But there are a few things you might do to try to increase the recovery process.
Here are some home remedies in the following:
Drink a lot of water
To aid in removing the virus out of your body, make sure that you are hydrating yourself adequately. Aim to drink almost 8 ounces of water every 2 hours.