Diagnosis of Pulmonary Embolization

You or a loved one should seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing the symptoms of pulmonary embolism. The doctor will probably begin by performing a physical exam. The medical team will examine the patient’s legs closely to determine if there are any swelling, tenderness or warmth. Physical symptoms may indicate that you have a deep vein clot. A chest X-ray and an ultrasound may be ordered by the doctor. Blood tests may be performed on the patient to rule out other lung conditions. The blood tests can be used to measure the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the patient’s body and help the doctor suspect the presence of a substance called D dimer. The D dimer protein fragment is released into the blood when the body breaks down a blood clot.
Other diagnostic tests for pulmonary emphysema include:
Computed Tomographic Pulmonary Angiography (CTPA).
CTPA is a type of X ray scan that is used by doctors to diagnose pulmonary embolism. The doctor injects dye or contrast in the veins of the patient to be able see the blood vessels within the lungs.