Zeolite exposure

Erionite is a well-known mineral in the zeolite family that is akin to asbestos and forms from volcanic ash. This mineral’s inhalation causes multiple respiratory disorders and, eventually, mesothelioma of the pleura. Erionite is present in all areas of road construction and gravel quarries, which increases the likelihood of zeolite exposure and, consequently, the risk of mesothelioma cancer. After protracted exposure to zeolite mineral, the risk of developing mesothelioma increases for the local population. It is essential to realize that zeolite minerals on the ground are typically harmless to humans. However, if the fibrous components of zeolite minerals come into contact with oxygen as a result of human activity, these minerals pose a significant health risk. Due to the potential health risks posed by this mineral, global health organizations regulate zeolite exposure in a manner similar to that of asbestos.