Lung transplantation
No matter how many treatments or medications are administered, there will come a time when the liver can no longer handle the procedure. The continual deterioration of the lungs will impair breathing and diminish life quality. Therefore, there will eventually be a need for lung transplantation. The new lungs do not guarantee a life of perfect health. UT will add years to one’s lifespan.
Receiving a lung transplant requires both financial stability and the ability to maintain excellent health. Before the transplant, a number of procedures are conducted. Once a donor organ is located, surgery is scheduled immediately.
Following a chest x-ray and electrocardiogram, the patient is transported to the operating room and administered anaesthesia. The operation lasts six to twelve hours and entails
A breast incision that extends from one side to the other of the torso,
The placement of a heart-lung machine to assure the body’s oxygen supply.
The first lung is extracted, the blood vessels are clamped, and the second lung is inserted.
The removal of the second lung and the reconnection of the blood vessels to the lungs.
After a successful lung transplant, the heart-lung machine is removed and thoracic tubes are inserted to drain blood and fluids.