External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids occur on the anus. They are located on the surface where the bowels are in direct contact with the anus. External hemorrhoids may not be visible, but they can sometimes appear as lumps. Doctors say external hemorrhoids are not usually a serious medical condition. If a patient experiences pain or discomfort that interferes with their daily lives, they should consult a doctor. When the hemorrhoids are swollen, it is easier to spot the external hemorrhoids. The anus is bluish in colour due to dilated blood vessels under the surface of the skin.
The symptoms of external hemorrhoids can often be the same as the symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can cause pain and discomfort when patients are doing physical activities or trying to sit or have a bowel motion. External hemorrhoids can cause increased pain and discomfort because they are located on the outside of your rectal area. Any movement will irritate the hemorrhoids, resulting in pain. If you experience any pain or discomfort, consult your doctor or general surgeon.