Types of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids affect many adults, especially older adults. A study found that almost three out of four adults will suffer from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids come in many different types, some of which can cause severe symptoms. Here are some of the types of hemorrhoids.
Internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids appear in the rectum. These internal hemorrhoids are too deep to be visible. Internal hemorrhoids are usually self-healing and disappear, so the condition is not severe for patients with internal hemorrhoids. In some cases, internal hemorrhoids can swell up and protrude from your rectum. There are no nerves in the rectum so patients with hemorrhoids can’t feel any pain. Internal hemorrhoids can sometimes be invisible to the patient.
Internal hemorrhoids can cause several symptoms, including swelling. This will worsen the condition. Hemorrhoids become more severe and produce various symptoms.
Itching of the Anus
- The bowels may be painful or uncomfortable.
- Burning sensations in the rectum and the anus
- Anus swelling
- Anus lumps are noticeable
Internal hemorrhoids can cause irritation of the rectum. The feces that travel through the rectum may irritate hemorrhoids. In some cases, the irritation of the hemorrhoids can cause bleeding on the toilet paper. Patients who are experiencing pain or discomfort due to internal hemorrhoids should see a doctor as soon possible.