What are the signs and symptoms of Graves’ Disease

Graves’ disease symptoms can vary depending on the individual, but include fatigue, weight loss, sweating and heat intolerance. Graves’ can cause double vision or bulging eyes in some cases. Graves’ Disease can cause more serious health issues, such as stroke or heart attack, if left untreated. Most cases can be treated with medication or surgery. (3)
Here are some common symptoms.
Weight loss
Graves disease is often characterized by weight loss. This can occur suddenly or over time. Graves disease can cause people to lose weight naturally. Some people become underweight after losing so much weight.
Graves disease can cause weight loss for several reasons. Most commonly, the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormonal. This hormone makes the body burn more calories, and uses stored energy faster.
Graves disease can also cause weight loss due to anxiety, stress, an increased appetite, difficulty in eating, diarrhea and vomiting.
You should consult your doctor if you experience unexplained loss of weight. Many treatments are available to manage Graves’ Disease and improve your overall health.
Heat intolerance
Graves’ disease can cause other symptoms besides unexplained loss of weight, such as heat intolerance.
People with this condition have a hard time tolerating heat. Even when the temperature in the room is comfortable, they may feel hot and sweaty. When they exercise in hot weather or are exposed to heat, they may feel tired and experience a rapid pulse rate.
Graves disease patients who suffer from heat intolerance are likely to sweat more than usual due to their hyperactive thyroid gland. The extra sweating can lead to dehydration, and the inability to regulate body temperature. Graves’ patients often experience an elevated heart rate which can lead to excessive heat.
Proptosis is the hallmark of Graves disease. This occurs when the tissues and muscles that surround the eyes swell. This swelling can cause vision problems by putting pressure on the nerve. Bulging eyes can lead to the eyeball protruding from the socket in severe cases.
Proptosis may also be an indication of another medical condition, such as thyroid cancer or orbital myositis. Proptosis can be a sign of Graves disease, along with weight loss, excessive perspiration, or a rapid pulse. Consult your doctor to diagnose and treat you.
Increased Heart Rate
A rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) is one of the most common Graves’ symptoms. This can lead to chest pain, dizziness, and shortness of breathe. Increased heart rate can lead to heart failure, stroke and other health issues.
According to experts, the primary cause of increased heart rate is thyroid hormone overproduction and its effect on the heart. It’s not entirely clear what causes this heart rate increase, but thyroid hormones can have an effect on the nervous systems. Graves’ patients may also suffer from an abnormal heart rhythm known as atrial fibrillation. This can also cause the heart rate to increase.
Excessive sweating
Graves’ disease is characterized by excessive sweating due to the overactivity of the thyroid gland. It is unclear what causes excessive sweating, but high thyroid hormone levels may be causing the sweat glands in the body to work overtime. Graves’ can also affect the autonomic nerve system, which is responsible for many automatic functions such as sweating.
Graves disease patients often sweat excessively on their scalp, forehead, and underarms. It is possible that the sweat can be so heavy, it causes wet skin and clothes.
Graves’ disease can cause anxiety in several ways. An overactive thyroid gland can cause chest pain and heart palpitations. This can be frightening and lead to a great deal of anxiety. Graves can cause muscle weakness and weight gain. You may feel ugly and helpless. Graves’ disease can also cause mood swings and changes in energy levels. It can be frustrating to feel tired or moody all the time. You should see your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
Overproduction of thyroid hormones can lead to a number of symptoms including fatigue. Graves’ Disease is believed to affect approximately one million Americans, and is the leading cause of fatigue among young men and women. Graves’ disease-induced fatigue can be treated by medications that suppress thyroid hormone production.
Graves’ disease can cause people to become easily agitated or frustrated without apparent reason. The person may have a more irritable temper and snap at other people. This intense irritability may lead to physical confrontations and arguments in some cases.
It is important that you seek medical attention if you experience increased irritability or agitation as a result of Graves’ disease. Treatment options are available to control the irritability that is caused by Graves disease. Most people who are prone to irritability will benefit from treatment and can lead a better life.
Trouble sleeping
Graves disease can cause sleep disturbances. The disease can cause an overactive thyroid which can lead insomnia, restless legs syndrome and vivid dreams. Graves’ disease sufferers can improve their sleep by doing a few simple things.
It is essential to establish a relaxing routine for bedtime and to stick to it. You could take a warm shower or read a book just before going to bed. Avoid using electronic devices while in bed as the blue lights from screens can disturb sleep.
Exercise is another thing people with Graves disease can do. Exercise can promote good sleep hygiene, and relieve tension that may cause sleeping problems.
Frequent bowel movements
Increased thyroid hormone production can cause frequent bowel movements. This is because the food moves faster through the intestines. Graves disease can cause diarrhea which in turn leads to more frequent bowel movements.
Graves disease patients may need to use the toilet more frequently than normal and feel an urgent urge to urinate. Constipation and bloating may be experienced.
Consult your doctor if you have frequent bowel movements. You may be suffering from Graves’ Disease. Graves’ Disease is treated by taking medications to suppress an overactive thyroid gland.