Epilepsy Types
Epilepsy can be classified in various ways. Depending on the brain region involved in the seizure, however, there are two primary varieties. These are further subdivided based on the manifestation of seizure episodes. Classifying and identifying the form of epilepsy in each individual case facilitates the development of effective treatment strategies.
Epilepsy of focal onset
As the name suggests, the source or origin of these seizures can be located in the brain. However, these seizures have a propensity to extend and involve additional brain regions. It can be subdivided further as:
Simple partial seizures involve only a single or a group of sensory or motor regions in a localised region of the brain. When the seizure occurs, this localised involvement results in an interruption of the same sensory or motor function. The patient with this condition retains consciousness. The patient is generally able to distinguish the experience of seizure, may have a memory of the event, and retains the ability to interact with the environment, with the exception of a single sensory or motor function.
This form of focal seizure is characterised by aura or other manifestations of an altered state of consciousness. Confusion and impaired awareness of the environment result in impulsive and inappropriate responses to the external environment in general.