Is cellulite a health concern?

Avoid associating cellulite with a disease and do yourself a favor by avoiding the stigma associated with it. It is a completely normal occurrence that is physiologically rather than pathologically explicable. Cellulite has always been considered unsightly. Other than being aesthetically disagreeable to the eyes, this condition is harmless. The trend of body shaming that Instagram and cosmetics advertisements promote directly and/or indirectly has transformed it into a source of insecurity for most women. Some women, particularly those past puberty, are more susceptible to developing cellulite than others. [2] However, it is largely independent of body type, ethnicity, and age.
Within the three layers of epidermis are two layers of fat, which are superficial and deep adipose layers. Herniation of lobules of excess fat through the dermis layer of the skin, accentuated by a simultaneous opposite pull of connective tissue fibers on the skin towards the underlying musculature, produces the characteristic bumpy and notch-like appearance. Simplifying it further, we may attribute dimples to an imbalance between the percentage of fat deposition at these sites and the connective tissue fibers that hold it in place.