Don’t tell him
Tommy looked at his father with a questioning look, and then at his feet. Tommy wanted to say something, but didn’t dare. Henry warned his son to always be truthful, but Tommy resisted and soon fell asleep. Henry knew this wasn’t working… He needed a new strategy. He felt that Tommy was trying to tell him something but feared it would get him into trouble.
It is common for children to do this. They tend to be quiet and not speak up when they fear getting into trouble. They do not want to get in trouble so they don’t share their feelings or thoughts. Henry felt bad for Tommy. Henry could see that Tommy was clearly stressed out about something else.
Calling Doctor
Henry was also tired, and although he could have slept on the couch for about an hour, his sleep was disturbed. The hospital called him because Andrea, his wife, had inquired about him. Henry asked the doctor if there was anything wrong, and he said no. Andrea had a reason. She wanted Henry there to look after her, especially after she gave birth.
The doctor said that the mother’s body was still recovering after the birth and pregnancy. It was vital to monitor her closely. Henry was happy to be there for his wife and was determined to take care of her. He was grateful that the staff at the hospital was so caring and attentive.